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USS SimonLake (AS-33) Association
Charter and Bylaws
The Simon Lake Association was formed to provide a gathering place and forum for former shipmates (and spouses) to share memories of their stints with this ship. We hope to provide information to all members regarding past and future events and happenings within the association (including the introduction of new members and unfortunately the passing of members as well). The Simon Lake Association is a non-profit, fraternal, patriotic organization.
Membership will include those who served in the USS Simon Lake, next of kin of any deceased , and such honorary member that may be nominated and accepted by a majority vote of association members. Details, concerning membership will be outlined in the bylaws.
Members of the association will be assessed dues to cover expenses of printing and postage incurred with the printing of rosters and news letters, and to provide for certain expenses associated with the organization of reunions. The amount of dues will be specified in the bylaws and will be assessed to regular members.
Members of the association are the basic governing body, and their decisions,at regularly conducted meetings in conjunction with reunions are final. Routine business of the association will be conducted by a board of elected officers (Governors) in accordance with the charter and bylaws.
The associations board of governors will consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.The president may appoint other personnel to specific duties, but these appointed personnel will not be members of the Board Of Governors. Order of succession to the presidency is in the order listed above. In the event any elected or appointed officer becomes unable to serve during his term, the president shall appoint a replacement with the consent of the Board of Governors.
The web site administer will maintain the site in accordance with established protocols. The site administer will keep the site up to date and informative as to current and future events.
Bylaws may be adopted, amended, or rescinded by a majority vote of the member ship attending a meeting, based on the recommendation of the Board of Governors, or by a motion by any voting member in written form (language to be inserted into the charter). The Board of Governors may enact interim changes to the bylaws. However these must be approved by the membership at the next general association meeting.
The charter may be amended by approval of two-thirds majority at any regular/reunion meeting.
Adopted September 28, 2010 at the regular/reunion meeting by a majority vote of the members present on the above date and verified by the Board of Governors attending.
President- /s/ Wayne W. Suckow
Vice President- /s/ David “Pappy” Trayham
Secretary- /s/ Danny Poole
Treasurer - /s/ Danny Poole
Charter and Bylaws
Section 1: Regular members are those military personnel that served in USS Simon Lake while she was in commission.
Section 2: Associate members are the next of kin of regular members. (Membership is at no charge should they elect to remain as a member).
Section 3: Honorary members are those individuals who had some type of distinct association with the USS Simon Lake but do not meet the criteria of regular membership. Membership fees can be waived for these individuals.
Section 4: Voting members are the regular members.
Section 5: Members who fail to pay there annual dues by April 15 of the present calendar year will be considered to have their membership lapsed. A notice will be provided to the individual via mail and/or on the associations membership web page. Reinstatement as a member can be made upon payment of back dues. In the case of lapse for good reason (sickness, etc), the Board of Governors may reinstate membership with out payment of back dues. Request for reinstatement should be sent to the association President who will present it to the board of governors.
Section 1: President: (Elected) The President shall be the chief executive officer of the association, and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Governors, and all General Member ship meetings. He shall appoint officers and committees which are not provided for in the charter and bylaws. Appointments might include Editor of a news letter, Reunion Committee Chairman, and or any other function deemed necessary by the association.
Section 2: Vice President: (Elected) The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President, and shall become President if the elected President is unable to complete his term of office.
Section 3: Secretary: (Elected) The Secretary shall shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Governors and the general membership and all other correspondence not assigned to other officers and/or committees. The secretary shall also maintain the master roster list of all categories of members and of deceased members and be able to provide the updated information to all officers and members at the annual meeting/reunion. Updates should be provided to the Treasurer and web site administer as they occur.
Section 4: Treasurer: (Elected) The Treasurer shall receive and account for all monies received from dues and all other sources. He shall render an annual statement, showing in detail, all collections and disbursements. This annual statement shall be approved by the Board if Governors and presented to the membership at annual/reunion meetings. A general statement of fiscal worth will also be published on the web site.
Section 5: The Reunion Committee Chairman (Appointed or Volunteer) will plan the next reunion. Once a location for the reunion has been decided, it will be their responsibility to make all the arrangements for the reunion, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors. Progress memos should be provided to the web site administer for on going reports to the general membership via the web.
Section 6: The Newsletter Editor (Appointed or Volunteer) will be responsible for publishing, maintaining, and updating a newsletter to the association members at least once a year. All officers should provide input relative to their offices, and members can provide information as well. A copy of these news letters will be published on the web site as well.
Section 7: The Web Site Administer (Appointed or Volunteer) will be responsible for publishing, maintaining, and updating the Association web site.
Section 8: Chaplain: (Appointed or Volunteer) The Association Chaplain will have the responsibility of conveying the condolences of the Association to the surviving family of a member of the association. The Chaplain will also lead the memorial services at the meeting/reunion events if scheduled.
Section 9: Ships Store Operator: (Appointed or Volunteer) The Ships Store Operator will have the responsibility of the operation of the ships store. The operator will maintain an inventory of the items of merchandise and articles related to the Simon Lake. The procurement and proceeds from sales will be from the associations treasury.
Section1: Dues are assessed as follows:
Regular members - One Year -$15.00
New Members: $15.00
Associate and Honorary members - None scheduled
Section 2: Dues are due and payable in January of each new year.
Section 3: Other fund raising activities to help defray the costs of organizing reunions and other activities may be conducted so long as they are approved by the membership, are legal, and meet the overall objectives of the association.
Section 4: The treasurer will be responsible for maintaining accountability for all association funds. When location or function require officers to make dispersion of funds necessary, the treasurer may establish sub or petty cash accounts with the responsible officer. (This could be a case when establishing a reunion)
Section 5: The Board of Governors will establish rules concerning the approval requirements for the dispersion of funds.
Section 6: The treasurers books will be open for inspection during each meeting/reunion. A joint audit of the books will be accomplished upon change of treasurers.
Section 1: Elected Officers will serve for a term of Two years. In the event of an elected office being filled as a result of succession, that office will be filled at the next regularly scheduled reunion to fill that office.
Section 2: The President will form a nominating panel six months in advance of the next election cycle when vacancies have or will occur. The list of nominees will be presented to the reunion attendees, who can make additional nominations (including volunteers for any office) from the floor.
Section 1: Reunions and business meetings will be held every year or as agreed to with a majority of attending members to do differently.
Section 2: The location of the next reunion (City and State) of the next reunion will be decided as part of the business meeting at each reunion.Members are encouraged to submit suggestions to the reunion committee for consideration. The reunion committee will be responsible for selecting the exact location(hotel, city, state) and events to occur during the reunion.
Section 1: The general procedures of the meetings will be in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order (The basis of this document) and The Charter and Bylaws of the Association. In the event of any conflict, the Charter and Bylaws of the association will prevail.
Section 1: Should any person in an elective, appointed or volunteer position be cited for misuse or misconduct while in office can be removed from office, providing a charge of such misuse or misconduct is presented to the board of governors. The board shall determine if action is required. If removal action is required the recommended removal shall be presented to the membership for a vote on such action. A Two Thirds of the membership vote will be required for removal.
Section 1: These bylaws may be rescinded or amended by a majority vote of the membership present at any meeting, based on the recommendation of the Board of Governors or a properly presented motion from the floor during a meeting.
Signed: President of The Board of Governor’s - September 28, 2010- /s/ Wayne W. Suckow
USS Simon Lake AS33 Association